
  Users Manual
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Users Manual

This document assumes you have set up a cruisedit demo as described by the installation manual. If your installation does differ, you have to read paths and URLs given here accordingly.

Viewing Pages

There is nothing to say about viewing pages - it should just work. Maybe you did enter a URL for which no document was provided. Try http://localhost:8080/CruisEdit.

Entering Edit Mode

There are two ways to start edit mode:
  • Either you change the URL to reflect the path given in config.php and httpd.conf.sampe. That would mean to insert an "/edit/" behind the port ":8080/" and the following "/CruisEdit" in your browsers address line. Instead of


    the line would then run


  • Or you add to the URL the CGI variable ce_edit, i.e. you append ?ce_edit=TRUE to your browsers address line.
To give an examples:
If your URL for viewing reads http://localhost:8080/CruisEdit/index.html
or http://localhost:8080/CruisEdit/index.html?ce_edit=TRUE

Inline Editing

When you entered editing mode, the page will be shown differently. First, every part of the page that is made up by an CruisEdit document will be surrounded by a border. Second, there are several links with text like
This ist just a sample, the links and Buttons won't do anything reasonable.
[edit "Sample CruisEdit Document"]
If you click on that link, the page will be shown again differently, the document the link refers to shown as HTML form field with a submit button nearby like this:
Sample CruisEdit Document (en)
Sample CruisEdit Document
You can easily edit its contents and apply the changes by the "Commit" button.

Full Edit Mode

If you choose the "Full Edit" button in the example shown in the section above, you do enter the full edit screen for that document. Here you have a bigger HTML form field for editing the document itself and additionally a header for changing the meta information for the document like its path, name, locale, mime-type etc.

Basic idea of including

Including documents

The base function of CruisEdit is to compose a html document by including several documents into one. For this, you do edit the main document as described above and where you want to include another document, you use the syntax
<?ce INCLUDE="/CruisEdit/sample.html"?>
where "/CruisEdit/sample.html" is the (virtual) path of the included document.

Using Layouts

To have several documents with the same surrounding (e.g. banner, menu, footer, ...) there is the concept of "layouts" in CruisEdit. You can either specify a layout in the document meta information (using full edit mode) or in the INCLUDE tag with the attribute LAYOUT:
<?ce INCLUDE="/CruisEdit/index.html" LAYOUT="layout/cruisedit" ?>
Layouts are CruisEdit documents with mime-type text/x-ce-layout that can be edited like any text/html documents. Layout documents have to contain the tag
<?ce CONTENT ?>
to indicate where to place the respecting document inside the layout.
The layout of a document that is referred to by the URL will contain e.g. the HTML header and body tags, the CONTENT tag will be inside the BODY element. The layout of an included document will contain some decorations, like a box made up by html table tags and colours. A very basic example for the first kind of layout would be:
<TITLE>Sample Document</TITLE>
<?ce CONTENT ?>
As a general advice, you should specify the layout in the meta information only for the first kind, not for included documents. The layout of included documents vary with the place where it is included and therefore the layout is better specified in the INCLUDE tag. Furthermore, to ease the dual use of text in base documents on the one hand and as included (side box) text on the other hand, the use of layouts referred to by the documents meta information may be ignored in future versions of CruisEdit when including documents.

For more details on the tags, more tags and attributes and more sophisticated use of them see the section "Tags and Attributes".

Retrieving a Static Copy

My recommondation for publishing your webpages is to retrieve a static copy by wget and put this on your web server. If you use the demo setup described in the installation documentation, the appropriate wget line would be:

wget -m http://localhost:8080

You'll get a subdirectory localhost that contains the static copies.

Provided by usr-local