
  Users Manual
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Installation Manual

This document describes how to set up your own CruisEdit fast. This is completely sufficient to build your webpages with cruisedit and retrieve a static copy by wget to put it on any webserver.
  • Download the most recent tarfile at
  • Unpack the contents to a new directory. For starters, I recommend ~/tmp
  • Edit your Apache configuration according to the sample in cruisedit/apache/http.conf.sample. For starters, I recommend to start a personal apache server on port 8080 and 8443 (SSL) by running the script


    You still have to adapt the paths in httpd.conf.sample to your setup!

  • Create a new mysql database. For starters, I recommend to name it "cruisedit". Give read access for it to the new mysql user cruisedit_read without password and write access to any user you like to edit your web pages. The following commands typed into the mysql prompt will do (provide authorization is sufficient):

    create database cruisedit ;
    grant select on cruisedit.* to cruisedit_read@localhost identified by '';
    grant select,update,insert,delete on cruisedit.* to <mysqlusername> ;

    If the mysql user is to be created by the latter line, you have to add "identified by 'password'" to it. If you don't like an empty password for the read user, you have to enter the password in cruisedit/config.php later.

  • Run the following with an mysql user with sufficient rights to create and fill tables in that new database the command

    mysql -p -u <username> cruisedit < cruisedit/cruisedit.sql

  • Copy




    and make appropriate changes, e.g. the password of the read user if not empty.

You should now be able to point your Browser to http://localhost:8080/Cruisedit/ and see the CruisEdit Webpages locally. Play arround! There is nothing you can damage that you can't restore by loading cruisedit.sql again.

Provided by usr-local